Mats Petter Wallander, Developer in Lund, Sweden
Mats is available for hire
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Mats Petter Wallander

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Algorithms Developer

Lund, Sweden
Toptal Member Since
June 7, 2019

Mats Petter拥有15年的行业经验,开发了从图像和其他传感器数据中提取信息的高效算法, working in diverse domains such as digital pens, optical multi-touch, eye tracking, and solar energy, 使用标准方法和开发新的专利领域特定算法.


Flatfrog AB (developer of optics-based multi touch technology)
数学建模,算法,Git, OpenCV, Matplotlib, SciPy, NumPy, Python
数学建模,算法,Qt, Git, OpenCV, Matplotlib, SciPy, NumPy...
Eyefluence Inc (developer of eye tracking technology...
数学建模,算法,Git, OpenCV, Matplotlib, SciPy, NumPy...




Preferred Environment

Git, MATLAB, Spyder, Eclipse, MacOS

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Software Engineer, Signal Processing

2017 - 2019
Flatfrog AB (developer of optics-based multi touch technology)
  • Prototyped new product concepts, details confidential.
  • Prototyped and evaluated new multi-touch algorithm ideas.
技术:数学建模,算法,Git, OpenCV, Matplotlib, SciPy, NumPy, Python

Software Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Confidential, partly similar to Eyefluence.
Technologies: 数学建模,算法,Qt, Git, OpenCV, Matplotlib, SciPy, NumPy, Python, C

Algorithm developer

2015 - 2016
Eyefluence Inc(眼动追踪技术开发商,2016年被谷歌收购)
  • Developed efficient algorithms for camera-based eye tracking.
  • 用C和Python实现了基于摄像头的眼动追踪算法.
  • 开发了一个模拟器,用于生成验证眼动追踪算法的真实输入数据.
  • Developed sensitivity analysis for eye-tracking algorithms.
  • 与测试工程师一起研究基于摄像头的设备校准方法.
技术:数学建模,算法,Git, OpenCV, Matplotlib, SciPy, NumPy, Python, C

Software Engineer, Image Analysis

2014 - 2015
AIS Technology AB
  • Confidential.
Technologies: Algorithms

Software Engineer, Signal Processing

2009 - 2014
  • 在基于光学的多点触控系统中开发了有效的目标检测和定位算法.
  • 用C语言实现了目标检测和定位算法.
  • 与光学和电子工程师一起优化系统设计并设计下一代系统.
  • 与专利工程师一起提交系统设计和定位方法的申请.
  • 开发仿真工具,以帮助系统设计,在C和Python.
  • Participated in projects using scrum-based agile development.
  • 使用SWIG接口将算法的C产品实现连接到用Python编写的原型环境.

Software Engineer, Video Technology

2008 - 2009
  • Made embedded implementation of video decoders in C.
  • 为定制硬件解决方案开发软件,与专用视频编码硬件块交互.
  • 与VHDL设计人员一起设计下一代视频编码硬件, 在决定在硬件中实现什么和在软件中实现什么时,优化权衡.
  • 开发了一种高效存储和检索视频解码中过去帧数据的方案.
  • Developed tools for debugging video decoding implementations.
Technologies: JPEG, MPEG, H264, VC-1, C

Software Engineer, Video Technology

2007 - 2008
Logipard AB(视频编码专用集成电路设计开发商,2008年被ARM收购)
  • Made embedded implementation of video decoders in C.
  • 为定制硬件解决方案开发软件,与专用视频编码硬件块交互.
  • 与VHDL设计人员一起设计下一代视频编码硬件, 在决定在硬件中实现什么和在软件中实现什么时,优化权衡.
  • 开发了一种高效存储和检索视频解码中过去帧数据的方案.
  • Developed tools for debugging video decoding implementations.
Technologies: JPEG, MPEG, H264, VC-1, C

Software Engineer, Image Analysis

2000 - 2002
Anoto AB (developer of digital pen technology)
  • 为笔定位开发了高效的图像分析算法.
  • 用C语言对笔定位算法进行了嵌入式实现.
  • 发展了印刷图案背后的数学原理,使其在纸上具有独特的定位.
  • 与专利工程师一起完成定位模式和定位方法的申请.
  • 开发测试程序和指标来定义笔定位性能, 并将性能理解为系统设计参数的函数.
  • 编写MEX接口,使C语言算法的产品实现在我们的Matlab原型和评估环境中可用.
Technologies: Algorithms, MATLAB, C

Prototyping of a Pen Positioning System

我和一个朋友一起在C-Technologies AB做暑期实习, 我们的任务是实现新产品理念的第一个原型. 这个想法是在书写纸上打印一个精细的点位置编码模式,并通过前面的一个微型摄像头让笔相对于纸的位置定位, thus creating a digital copy of what was written.

We were handed the patent application for the dot pattern, and their existing product, a camera-based translation pen, with a glued-on ballpoint pen. During the summer, 我们既改进了图案本身的属性,又开发了笔自身定位的算法. 这成为了C-Technologies用来为新子公司Anoto AB开发笔技术筹集资金的演示.


At Flatfrog AB, 我实现了优化组件在显示中的位置的代码, 减少所需的组件数量,以达到所需的检测精度.

优化器的结果导致了对组件几何结构的新见解, leading to several new patent applications for the company.

Bright New World
I am the co-founder of a solar energy company, 我一直在积极编写模拟器来测试和优化设计理念. The simulator is written in C++ with SWIG Python bindings.

Nordic Programming Champions
Throughout my university years, 我很高兴参加北欧大学编程竞赛(NCPC)。, a team-programming contest for students (part of the ACM ICPC). After graduating, 我做过几年的问题构建者和裁判,也参加过几年的公开比赛, non-student, class.

In 2011, my team consisting of me and two friends came in first place, out of over 200 teams in the Nordic region, solving all ten problems in less than five hours.

Wordfeud Helper App
我和一个朋友一起为Android编写了一个Wordfeud助手应用程序. 他执行Android UI,我执行基本搜索算法,保证以高效的方式找到得分最高的可用移动(这是大多数其他类似应用无法做到的)。.

We are no longer supporting the app, 但它在当时确实得到了很好的评价,并且是构建紧凑词树和实现高效搜索算法的一个很好的练习.


NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, OpenCV


Algorithms, Scientific Computing, Mathematical Modeling, Signal Processing, Image Analysis, Simulations, Optimization, Video Codecs, Eye Tracking, Signal Analysis, Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Signal Processing, VC-1, H264, MPEG, JPEG, Clustering, Image Processing


Python, C, Java, C++


MATLAB, Spyder, ANTLR, Git


Constraint Programming, Scrum, Agile, Functional Programming


Qt, Xtext


MacOS, Eclipse

2002 - 2009

Ph.D. in Computer Science

Lund University - Lund, Sweden

1994 - 2000

Master's Degree in Computer Science

Lund University - Lund, Sweden

1998 - 1999

Exchange Student in Computer Science

UC Irvine - Irvine, CA